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Marchon Partners Blog Top Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Profile

16 Jul 2024

In today's professional landscape, LinkedIn is more than just an online resume; it’s become an essential networking tool that can help you connect with industry leaders, discover job opportunities, and build your personal brand.  With over 830 million members worldwide, LinkedIn is by far the top professional networking platform on the planet.  A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can open doors to new career opportunities, partnerships, and industry insights by generating up to 5 times as many views as an average profile. Read on for some simple tips to creating a captivating LinkedIn profile that stands out.


Optimize Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture is your first impression, and a professional and approachable photo can significantly impact how others perceive you. Use a high-quality image that is clear and well-lit. Dressing professionally in attire that matches your industry is important, and wearing a welcoming smile can make you seem more approachable and friendly.


Write a Compelling Headline

Your headline is a crucial piece of real estate on your profile and should do more than just state your job title. You have 120 characters to work with; think of this as the billboard advertisement for you and what you do. Be descriptive and consider highlighting your skills and what you bring to the table. Instead of a generic title like "Marketing Manager," try something more engaging like "Creative Marketing Manager | Expert in Digital Campaigns & Brand Strategy."


Craft a Strong Summary

Your summary is your elevator pitch, and it should succinctly tell your professional story while highlighting your key accomplishments. Be creative and paint a picture of who you are as a professional.  Start with a brief introduction, followed by showcasing significant career milestones and what you can bring to a prospective employer. Including a call-to-action at the end can encourage readers to connect or reach out to you.


Highlight Your Experience

Detailing your work experience effectively can make your profile stand out.  Steer clear of describing the company you work for, but rather focus on what you do for them.  Use bullet points to make your responsibilities and achievements easy to read. Quantify your impact with numbers to demonstrate your accomplishments, such as "Increased sales by 20%." Tailoring your descriptions to focus on relevant experience that aligns with your career goals can also make a big difference.


Leverage Skills and Endorsements

Skills and endorsements provide a quick way for others to see what you’re good at. List relevant skills that are up-to-date and pertinent to your field. Request endorsements from colleagues and peers to add credibility to your profile.


Collect Recommendations

Recommendations add credibility to your profile and provide testimonials of your work. Request specific recommendations that highlight particular projects or skills. It’s also a good idea to give recommendations to others and ask them to reciprocate.


Showcase Your Education and Certifications

Your educational background and certifications are essential for establishing your expertise. Include detailed information about your degrees, institutions, and any honors received. Highlight any additional training or professional certifications that can enhance your profile.


Include a Video in Your Profile

Adding the power of video to your LinkedIn profile can offer numerous advantages.  It adds a human touch, showcasing your expertise, personality, and achievements, while making your profile more engaging and memorable.  Consider it your 30-second virtual elevator pitch, where you can effectively convey complex information and demonstrate your skills in action, which text alone cannot achieve. Additionally, videos can increase your profile's visibility and attract more attention from recruiters, potential employers, and industry peers, ultimately boosting your personal brand and networking opportunities on the platform.   A good LinkedIn video should be scripted but conversational, personalized, and display confidence, warmth, and friendliness.


Engage with Content

Active engagement on LinkedIn helps keep your profile visible and demonstrates your industry involvement. Share valuable content such as articles, updates, and insights related to your field. Interact with others by commenting on posts, joining discussions, and sharing your thoughts. Publishing original LinkedIn articles can also help showcase your expertise.


Join and Participate in Groups

LinkedIn groups are excellent for networking and staying informed about industry trends. Find groups that match your industry or interests and be active in them. Participate in discussions, share insights, and connect with group members to expand your network.


Regularly Update Your Profile

Keeping your profile current ensures that it accurately reflects your professional status. Refresh your headline and summary with any new roles or achievements, and continuously update your skills section with new certifications or skills acquired. Consider updating your profile picture every few years to keep it current.


Bonus Tips

Personalize your LinkedIn URL to look more professional and make it easier to share. Adding media to your profile, such as videos, presentations, and portfolio pieces, can visually showcase your work. Following industry leaders will help you stay updated with industry news and trends.



Boosting your LinkedIn profile takes consistent effort and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can create a compelling profile that attracts opportunities, showcases your expertise, and expands your professional network. Start making these changes today and watch your LinkedIn presence grow!



Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more personalized advice on optimizing your LinkedIn profile!