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Marchon Partners Blog Working from Home: Health and Wellness in Post-Covid World

21 Apr 2022

When employees had to work-from-home during Covid, many employers thought it would be a temporary solution to get the work done. However, in January of 2022, 61% of respondents who took a Pew Research Center survey said working remotely was now their preferred choice. The main incentives for these workers included no commute, flexible schedules and having a more balanced life. In return, many employers have seen increased productivity rates due to workers having quieter environments, fewer meetings, and greater efficiency. 

The balance between work and home must be continuously evaluated to ensure the best results for both sides. Addressing both physical and mental challenges that work-from-home employees encounter is a good start. By incorporating the following self-care practices, workers typically will experience better health, stronger working relationships, and increased happiness.


Physical Fitness and Health Practices while Working from Home


Office Comfort – According to the Mayo Clinic, sitting for long periods of time can increase an employee’s risk of heart disease, obesity, and lead to a premature death. Workers can also strain their back, legs, arms, and wrists when they don’t incorporate good ergonomic practices. Choosing a chair with proper back support and adjusting both the chair and monitor heights can help to prevent problems such as sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome. Having a distraction free and temperature-controlled environment will also provide a comfortable place for employees to concentrate on their work.

Active Choices – Staying active during the day and moving on a regular basis will help counteract the ill effects of sitting for a prolonged period. On average, the American Heart Association (AHA) says that adults should strive to get a minimum of 2.5 hours of aerobic activity per week that has moderate intensity. The AHA says starting even with light-intensity movement, such as stretching for 10 minutes at a time can be beneficial. Regular physical activity typically helps to relieve stress, improve mood, and increase productivity.

Good Nutrition – With employees having direct access to their kitchen, the opportunity to choose more nutritious food options is possible. According to WebMD, weighing 20% more than the recommended weight for a person’s height, can lead to following medical conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Gallstones
  • Hardened Arteries 
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Type 2 Diabetes

The AHA recommends a diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and proteins from plants and seafood. Foods that are high in salt, sugar or highly processed, should be avoided. Also, the calorie intake shouldn’t exceed an employee’s physical activity level so they can avoid gaining weight. 


Self-care Ideas for Mental Wellness


Stress Relief – When the brain perceives an immediate threat, it will automatically engage in a fight-or-flight response. This increases cortisol levels, which regulates how the body responds to stressful situations. According to the Mayo Clinic, if these cortisol levels remain high, an employee can experience chronic stress taking a toll on both their physical and mental health, including:  

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Poor Concentration
  • Sleep Problems
  • Weight Gain

Some ways to lower stress levels typically include relaxation techniques, such as meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. Realistic goal setting, managing workload, embracing humor, hobbies, volunteering, and friendships can all be helpful. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors such as gambling, or overeating can lower cortisol levels as well.

Problem Solving – Working remotely can be an isolating experience for the employee which can pose unique challenges for collaborating with other team members who are physically in the office. Ongoing communication that occurs beyond when there’s a problem, gives the work-from-home employee an opportunity to be heard and even manage issues before they escalate. Also, having the freedom to delegate tasks can be beneficial for developing teamwork and problem solving.

According to, workers will typically exhibit signs of disengagement when they don’t feel part of the team. These behaviors may include not attending meetings, or interacting with colleagues, calling in sick, or not wanting to discuss their career aspirations. Ways to increase engagement is to offer remote workers multiple ways to communicate, brainstorming meetings and virtual lunches where the team can foster stronger relationships.

Additional Help – Technology that is essential for a remote colleague to function within the company will sometimes need troubleshooting and maintenance. When that employee knows exactly who to contact for help, it empowers them and allows for less down time. Also, when other aspects of their life, including family problems arise, it can be helpful for the employee to reach out to a professional. As these personal issues can affect their health and welfare.


Benefits of Balancing Physical and Mental Self-care


It is projected by Upwork that 36.2 million U.S. employees will be working remotely by 2025. The Great Resignation proved that employees are looking for quality work environments. This has motivated many employees to seek out companies that offer remote opportunities that allow them to merge their work schedule into their lives. Employers who are the most flexible and take a holistic approach to managing their employees will see greater loyalty and a more productive workforce in the future.